Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Vin Diesel luncurkan film bersama Marvel?

Vin Diesel, pemain hebat dalam film Fast and Furious... dan bintang Disney dalam film The Pacifier, telah membocorkan berita kecil terhadap fansnya.

Ia menulis di laman facebooknya :

 " ... PS : Marvel has requested a meeting, no idea what for. Haha, you probably know better than me"

yang berarti

" ... PS : Marvel telah mengajukan pertemuan, tidak ada ide untuk apa. Haha, mungkin kalian tau lebih banyak daripada aku"

Semua orang terkejut mendengarnya. Aku sebagai penulis laman CathCelebNews menjadi heboh dengan berita kecil ini.

Aku telusuri internet untuk mencari tahu apa yang bisa terjadi. Tapi Vin Diesel telah membocorkannya lebih banyak dan lebih gampang untuk aku ketahui.
Ia mengubah Profile Picturenya menjadi superhero MARVEl - - VISION. (gambar di atas)

Tunggu saja, mungkin dalam jangka 2 tahun, Vin Diesel akan membintangi film VISION, 

siapkan matamu ke vision -- Cath of CathCelebNews - out

Vin Diesel Superhero Secret

Vin Diesel, the star in the disney movie you probably have in your childhood - - The Pacifier.
For all Diesellers fan out there might follow his facebook page and found this

" .... PS: Marvel had requested a meeting, no idea what for. Haha, you probably know better than me. "

I got into it and searched all web since nobody seems to know and guess the whole big idea of who will be VIN DIESEL playing in a MARVEL movie.

It doesn't have to be a movie, it can be just a congratulating on the FAST AND FURIOUS play.
His fans were shocked and they guessed more.

I got more curious into it and found a very familiar looking face in the internet - -

the VISION - -

He changes his profile picture into this marvel hero, and he might be starring this movie in the next 2 years.

Who knows? Keep an eye on vision and you might be surprised on what might happen.

This is me, Cath on CathCelebNews - out.